Is A Legit Website? Peruse This Investigative Report, Find Out The Reality |



you will find missing a lot,,now the girl,,Maria Brekut,,a design,actress,boxer,,we talked 100% free and I also kept awaiting the con,as i was not paying,,i realized someplace i would need money,,so today out of the blue she states website wont allow the woman to talk me,,she must stop me personally unless i pay web site for her associates,,i discovered the woman full name and facebook profile,,frozen with time,,no answer,,she stated it had been hacked and she cant get indeed there,i said open new fb she stated she would but it never ever showed in queries,,4 times she states do very,,all lies,,the title along with her image were easy look,,its horrible scam,,remember the woman name 33 yrs old,,black locks daughter title Lisa,,all old photos,she declined a selfie of the woman in today as evidence ,,fought me for a month not to,,,crooks ,cold pricks
